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Título: Radiographic Findings in Dogs with Naturally-Occurring Primary Hypoadrenocorticism
Autores/as: Melián Limiñana, Carlos 
Stefanacci, Joseph D.
Peterson, Mark E.
Kintzer, Peter P.
Clasificación UNESCO: 310907 Patología
240118 Mamíferos
Palabras clave: Familial Hypoadrenocorticism
Adrenal Cortex Hyperfunction
Canis familiaris
Adrenal insufficiency
Fecha de publicación: 1999
Editor/a: 0587-2871
Publicación seriada: Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 
Resumen: Survey radiographs often are obtained in dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism in adrenal crisis as part of the routine evaluation of a critically ill dog. In this study, standardized methods of cardiac, pulmonary vasculature, and vena cava mensuration were used in 22 dogs with naturally-occurring primary hypoadrenocorticism, and the findings were compared with those in 22 breed-matched, clinically normal dogs. Most (81.8%) untreated dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism had one or more radiographic abnormalities, including small size of the heart (45.5%), cranial lobar pulmonary artery (36.4%), caudal vena cava (54.5%), or liver (36.4%). Megaesophagus was not found in any of the dogs with hypoadrenocorticism, and therefore, compared to the other common radiographic findings, should be considered a rare finding.
ISSN: 0587-2871
DOI: 10.5326/15473317-35-3-208
Fuente: Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association [ISSN 0587-2871], v. 35, p. 208-212
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