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Título: A multi-criteria decision method for the analysis of the Motorways of the Sea: the application to the case of France and Spain on the Atlantic Coast
Autores/as: Martínez-López, Alba 
Munín-Doce, Alicia
García-Alonso, Lorena
Clasificación UNESCO: 3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
3319 Tecnología naval
Palabras clave: Motorways of the Sea
Selection of maritime routes
Monte Carlo simulation
Sensitivity analysis
Multi-criteria decision method
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 0308-8839
Publicación seriada: Maritime Policy and Management 
Resumen: Despite European Union (EU) political support to identify the most feasible Motorways of the Sea, the final decision can only be made by Private Shipping Companies, which are operators of a unique stretch of the intermodal chain. This paper provides a multi-criteria decision method to identify the most suitable Motorways of the Sea taking into account the competitiveness of whole intermodal routes versus the alternative of road transport from the loader’s perspective. The analysis is carried out assuming a ‘many-to-many’ transport model. Firstly indexes of time and cost were defined and evaluated for every available route in the model in accordance with a multi-criteria decision matrix. Secondly, through a Monte Carlo simulation a sensitivity analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the influence on the results of the forecast assumed to construct the matrix. The results obtained are not only quantitative, but also qualitative. The development of intermodal routes via Motorways of the Sea is especially relevant for the peripheral EU countries. Due to the relevance of the freight flow between France and Spain and the congestion of their connections through the Pyrenees, the method proposed was applied to the analysis of this particular case.
ISSN: 0308-8839
DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2015.1039091
Fuente: Maritime Policy and Management[ISSN 0308-8839],v. 42, p. 608-631
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