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Título: Analysis of the travel agencies from the leisure travellers' perception: the Spanish case
Autores/as: Moreno Gil, Sergio 
Celís Sosa, Daniel Francisco 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Agencias de viajes
Fecha de publicación: 2003
Editor/a: 1332-7461
Publicación seriada: Tourism 
Resumen: Today's travel agency is the most important tourist intermediary but is going through a difficult situation, in both its structure and its core business. In this wide descriptive study, the Spanish outgoing travel agency industry as a whole has been analysed. The empirical work, using data gathered from leisure travellers' perceptions, provides information such as reasons for using, or not, travel agency services, the factors influencing the client's final choice of agency, the attributes most important to the client in the relationship, and the tendency to use IT in contracting leisure travel services. Some of the principle results of this paper indicate the main attributes for the customer when choosing a travel agency (eg.: Professional service). However, price, brand, the specialisation and even the range of services offered by the travel agency have no special importance for the customer.
ISSN: 1332-7461
Fuente: Tourism[ISSN 1332-7461],v. 51, p. 31-41
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