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Título: Ontogeny of the conus papillaris of the lizard Gallotia galloti and cellular response following transection of the optic nerve: An immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study
Autores/as: Alfayate, M. C.
Santos, E.
Yanes, C. 
Casañas, N.
Viñoly, R.
del Mar Romero-Aleman, Maria 
Monzón-Mayor, Maximina 
Palabras clave: Blood-Brain-Barrier
Astrocyte Precursor Cells
Electron-Microscopic Observations
Neurotrophin Receptor P75Ntr
Capillary Endothelial-Cells, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Editor/a: 0302-766X
Publicación seriada: Cell and Tissue Research 
Resumen: Spontaneous regrowth of the axons of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) occurs after unilateral optic nerve transection (ONT) in the lizard Gallotia galloti. We have performed an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of the conus papillaris (CP) of this lizard during ontogeny and after ONT in order to characterize its cell subpopulations, innervation and putative blood-brain barrier (BBB) and to evaluate changes occurring throughout regeneration. Proliferating PCNA(+) cells were abundant between embryonic stage 33 (E33) and hatching. From E33, we observed Pax2(+)/GS(+) glial cells in the primitive CP, which became increasingly pigmented and vascularised from E35. Conal astrocytes coexpressing Pax2 with vimentin and/or GFAP were identified from E37-E38. GluT-1(+)/LEA(+)/Pax2(-) endothelial cells (ECs) formed a continuous endothelium with tight junctions and luminal and abluminal microfolds. In adults, the peripheral blood vessels showed a thinner calibre, stronger GluT-1 staining and more abundant microfolds than those of the central CP indicating the higher specialization involved during transport within the former. Occasional pericytes, abundant Pax2(+) pigment cells, LEA(+) microglia/macrophages, unmyelinated Tuj1(+) nerve fibres and SV2(+) synaptic vesicles were also observed in the perivascular zone. After ONT, the expression of GluT-1 and p75(NTR) persisted in ECs, suggesting the preservation/early recovery of the BBB. Relevant ultrastructural alterations were observed at 0.5 months postlesion, although, by 3 months, the CP had recovered the ultrastructure of controls indicating tissue recovery. Abnormal newly formed blood vessels had developed in the CP-optic nerve junction. Thus, the CP is a central nervous system structure whose regenerating capacity might be key for the nutritional support of regenerating RGCs in G. galloti.
ISSN: 0302-766X
DOI: 10.1007/s00441-011-1128-3
Fuente: Cell And Tissue Research[ISSN 0302-766X],v. 344 (1), p. 63-83
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