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Título: A 65-nm CMOS battery-less temperature sensor node for RF-powered wireless sensor networks
Autores/as: Popov, Grigory
Dualibe, Fortunato C.
Moeyaert, Veronique
Ndungidi, Papy
García-Vázquez, Hugo 
Valderrama, Carlos
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Temperature sensors
Temperature measurement
Voltage-controlled oscillators
Wireless sensor networks, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: 2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2016
Resumen: This work presents the design of a temperature sensor in a 65nm CMOS technology, which is powered by harvesting the electromagnetic energy in the ISM frequency band (2.4GHz). The power consumption of the sensor was substantially reduced so that the energy required to operate could be stored in a 50μF external capacitor. The rectifier sensitivity has been improved so as to allow autonomous operation from a distance of 2m to a conventional Wi-Fi transmitter (2.4GHz@100mW). To achieving these features, all circuits were designed for operating at 0.5V supply voltage. The measured temperature value is transmitted within another frequency band, the European UHF (867 MHz), by using 4-FSK modulation.
ISBN: 9781467379861
DOI: 10.1109/WPT.2016.7498806
Fuente: 2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2016 (7498806)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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