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Title: Use of banana fiber in injection - Moulded parts for the automotive sector
Authors: Ortega, Z. 
Monzón, M. D. 
Soto, P.
Guinea, I.
Suárez, L.
Hernández, P. M.
UNESCO Clasification: 3313 Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicas
Keywords: Banana fiber
Natural fiber compound
Automotive sector
Issue Date: 2012
Journal: ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials
Conference: 15th European Conference on Composite Materials: Composites at Venice, ECCM 2012 
Abstract: The use of natural fibers as reinforcement in plastic matrixes constitutes an issue of great importance in the industry, and also in the automotive industry. This paper focuses on results obtained in the analysis of window pillars for car’s interiors produced by injection – molding of a composite of banana fiber. Banana fiber from Canary Islands were extracted and characterized in order to find if they are likely to be exploited to obtain a high quality fiber, with applications in the plastics industry, more specifically in the automotive industry, for production of parts for cars (window B – pillar in this paper). To accurate this fiber and the composite prepared accomplish with standards, several tests have been carried out to the fiber, the composite and the final part. Results show that banana fiber and its composites have a great potential to be used for the production of parts for the automotive industry.
ISBN: 9788888785332
Source: ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
Use of banana fiber in injection - Moulded parts for the automotive sector
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