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Título: Improved objective functions for tetrahedral mesh optimisation
Autores/as: Montenegro, Rafael 
Escobar, José María 
Rodríguez, Eduardo 
Montero, G 
González-Yuste, José María
Palabras clave: Condition Number
Fecha de publicación: 2003
Editor/a: 0302-9743
Publicación seriada: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 
Conferencia: International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2003) 
Resumen: The quality improvement in mesh optimisation techniques that preserve its connectivity are obtained by an iterative process in which each node of the mesh is moved to a new position that minimises a certain objective function. In general, objective functions are derived from some quality measure of the local submesh, that is, the set of tetrahedra connected to the adjustable or free node. Although these objective functions are suitable to improve the quality of a mesh in which there are non inverted elements, they are not when the mesh is tangled. This is due to the fact that usual objective functions are not defined on all R-3 and they present several discontinuities and local minima that prevent the use of conventional optimisation procedures. Otherwise, when the mesh is tangled, there are local submeshes for which the free node is out of the feasible region, or this does not exist. In this paper we propose the substitution of objective functions having barriers by modified versions that are defined and regular on all R-3. With these modifications, the optimisation process is also directly applicable to meshes with inverted elements, making a previous untangling procedure unnecessary.
ISBN: 3-540-40194-6
ISSN: 0302-9743
Fuente: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)[ISSN 0302-9743],v. 2657, p. 568-578
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