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Título: Genetic algorithms for an improved parameter estimation with local refinement of tetrahedral meshes in a wind model
Autores/as: Montero, G. 
Rodriguez, E. 
Montenegro, R. 
Escobar, J. M. 
González-Yuste, J. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 12 Matemáticas
Palabras clave: Adaptive mesh refinement
Finite element method
Genetic algorithms
Mass-consistent models
Parameter estimation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Publicación seriada: Advances in Engineering Software 
Conferencia: 6th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology 
Resumen: The efficiency of a mass-consistent model for wind field adjustment depends on several parameters that arise in various stages of the process. On one hand, those involved in the construction of the initial wind field using horizontal interpolation and vertical extrapolation of the wind measures registered at meteorological stations. On the other hand, the stability parameter which allows from a strictly horizontal wind adjustment to a pure vertical one. In general, the values of all of these parameters are based on empirical laws. The main goal of this work is the estimation of these parameters using genetic algorithms, such that some of the wind velocities observed at the measurement station are regenerated as accurately as possible by the model. In addition, we study the effect of the mesh refinement on the parameter estimation in several numerical experiments. © 2004 Civil-Comp Ltd and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0965-9978
DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2004.03.011
Fuente: Advances in Engineering Software [ISSN 0965-9978], v. 36(1), p. 3-10
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