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Title: Low-cost super-resolution algorithms implementation over a HW/SW video compression platform
Authors: Callicó, Gustavo M. 
Llopis, Rafael Peset
López, Sebastian 
López Feliciano, José Francisco 
Núñez, Antonio 
Sethuraman, Ramanathan
Sarmiento, Roberto 
UNESCO Clasification: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Keywords: Image quality
Input image
Computational load
Generic hybrid
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: 1110-8657
Journal: Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing 
Abstract: Two approaches are presented in this paper to improve the quality of digital images over the sensor resolution using super-resolution techniques: iterative super-resolution (ISR) and noniterative super-resolution (NISR) algorithms. The results show important improvements in the image quality, assuming that sufficient sample data and a reasonable amount of aliasing are available at the input images. These super-resolution algorithms have been implemented over a codesign video compression platform developed by Philips Research, performing minimal changes on the overall hardware architecture. In this way, a novel and feasible low-cost implementation has been obtained by using the resources encountered in a generic hybrid video encoder. Although a specific video codec platform has been used, the methodology presented in this paper is easily extendable to any other video encoder architectures. Finally a comparison in terms of memory, computational load, and image quality for both algorithms, as well as some general statements about the final impact of the sampling process on the quality of the super-resolved (SR) image, are also presented.
ISSN: 1110-8657
DOI: 10.1155/ASP/2006/84614
Source: Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing[ISSN 1110-8657],v. 2006 (84614)
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