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Title: Micronutrient recommendations and policies in Spain; the cases of iodine, folic acid and vitamin D
Authors: Brito García, N.
Serra Majem, L. 
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: 0212-1611
Journal: Nutrición Hospitalaria 
Abstract: Introduccion: As part of the work carried out within the EURopean micronutrient RECommendations Aligned (EURRECA) Network of Excellence in Spain, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews with decision makers and relevant scientific institutions in the field of nutrition and public health. The information gathered was collated with national relevant official and unofficial documents and subsequently analysed.Aim: To describe the current situation about nutrition policy in Spain, with special focus on the process of setting micronutrient recommendations and the development of subsequent policies. 3 cases will be detailed: iodine, folic acid and vitamin D.Methods: Information from 9 interviews was contrasted with the available official and unofficial documents on micronutrients recommendations setting and subsequent policy applications to help the population to achieve their requirements.Results and discussion: Common topics and themes were identified in the interviews and desk research. They describe a heterogenic picture of isolated initiatives and timid measures regarding micronutrients recommendations and subsequent policy instruments. Several recommendations coexist but none of them is the result of an official request by the government or competent authority. Iodine, folic acid and vitamin D represent the past, the present and the future of public health policy measures on micronutrients in Spain. Despite of some examples, there exist a need for action.Conclusions: Current nutrition strategies are focused on obesity, with little room for micronutrients national measures despite of the opinion of many experts. Regardless of the several nutrients recommendations coexisting nowadays in Spain, there exist the need for a coordinated action in the field of micronutrients recommendations, fostered by the health and nutrition official authorities with financial support and clear terms of reference. (Nutr Hosp. 2012;27:1610-1618) DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.5.5931
ISSN: 0212-1611
DOI: 10.3305/nh.2012.27.5.5931
Source: Nutricion Hospitalaria[ISSN 0212-1611],v. 27, p. 1610-1618
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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