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Título: Visualization of local degradation processes in coated metals by means of scanning electrochemical microscopy in the redox competition mode
Autores/as: Santana, J. J. 
González-Guzmán, J.
Fernández-Mérida, L.
González, S.
Souto, R. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas
3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
Palabras clave: Corrosion
Organic coatings
Scanning electrochemical microscopy
Iron dissolution
Oxygen reduction
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 0013-4686
Publicación seriada: Electrochimica acta 
Resumen: Herein, the redox competition mode of scanning electrochemical microscopy (RC-SECM) has been applied to in situ monitor the local reactivity arising from a circular holiday operated in a painted metal. The metal-coating system consisted of a carbon steel substrate coated with an epoxy-polyamine polymeric film containing glass flakes as pigment. The present work demonstrates the possibility to use RC-SECM for investigation of the corrosion reactions occurring when protective coatings are applied on a metal surface without the addition of a redox mediator to the experimental system. Oxygen reduction was employed to monitor the reactive metal–polymer system, though the onset of a redox competition for this redox species between the SECM tip and the bare metal inside the holiday could be found in certain conditions. Whether attack predominated inside the holiday or the system became non-reactive depended on the composition of the test electrolyte, with borate ions acting as corrosion inhibitor.
ISSN: 0013-4686
DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2010.02.091
Fuente: Electrochimica Acta[ISSN 0013-4686],v. 55, p. 4488-4494
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