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Title: An evening at the theatre: Using choice experiments to model preferences for theatres and theatrical productions
Authors: Grisolía Santos, José María 
Willis, K. G.
UNESCO Clasification: 5312 Economía sectorial
Keywords: Teatro
Turismo cultural
Modelos económicos
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: 0003-6846
Journal: Applied economics (Print) 
Abstract: This article examines people's preferences and demand for live theatre. It investigates the preferences for people attending a regional theatre, Northern Stage in Newcastle, in relation to other live theatres they could attend, and in relation to the attributes of theatrical productions and ticket price. It uses a Stated Preference (SP), discrete choice experiment, to assess people's utility and Willingness To Pay (WTP) for the different attributes of theatrical productions. The model assesses the effect of the attributes of plays on choice; and the impact of Socio-Economic (SE) and demographic variables on choice and demand. Results reveal the heterogeneity of theatregoers' tastes for different types of plays and ticket prices. The models reveal the significance of 'reviews' and 'Word Of Mouth' (WOM) opinions on plays, as the most important variables determining choice.
ISSN: 0003-6846
DOI: 10.1080/00036841003742637
Source: Applied Economics[ISSN 0003-6846],v. 43, p. 3987-3998
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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