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Título: Time-hopping spread-spectrum system for wireless optical communications
Autores/as: Quintana, C.
Rabadan, J. 
Rufo, J. 
Delgado, F. 
Perez-Jimenez, R. 
Palabras clave: Led Lights
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: 0098-3063
Publicación seriada: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 
Resumen: This paper describes an optical wireless system based oil time-hopping spread-spectrum techniques, as a first approach, infrared wavelengths. It can be used either for low-speed sensor interconnections or as a return channel in a Visible Light Communications system. The main advantage of this scheme is all improvement in the narrowband interference rejection capability and the number of simultaneous users supported, compared with other wireless optical standards. Moreover, a wide analysis is carried out about the mutual interference between time-hopping spread-spectrum systems and other infrared ones. Finally, some conclusions are drawn about some design parameters of the time-hopping system in order to allow its compatibility with preexisting optical devices.(1)
ISSN: 0098-3063
DOI: 10.1109/TCE.2009.5277960
Fuente: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics[ISSN 0098-3063],v. 55, p. 1083-1088
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