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Title: Skeletal muscle signaling response to sprint exercise in men and women
Authors: Fuentes, Teresa 
Guerra, Borja 
Ponce-González, Jesús G.
Morales Alamo, David 
Guadalupe Grau, Amelia 
Olmedillas, Hugo
Rodríguez-García, Lorena
Feijoo, David
De Pablos Velasco, Pedro Luis 
Fernández-Pérez, Leandro 
Santana Rodríguez, Alfredo 
Calbet, Jose A. L. 
UNESCO Clasification: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Keywords: Resistance Exercise
Interval Exercise
Leptin Receptors, et al
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: 1439-6319
Project: Integracion de Los Grupos de la Obesidad y El Síndrome Metabólico .... 
Influencia Del Ejercicio Físico Regular en la Expresión Proteica y Nivel de Fosforilación (Activación) de la Isoforma Larga Del Receptor de Leptina en Músculo Esquelético Humano. 
Influencia Del Ejercicio Fisico, la Fio2 y El Estres Oxidativo en la Señalización Por Ampk en El Músculo Esquelético Humano. 
Journal: European Journal of Applied Physiology 
Abstract: To determine if there is a sex dimorphism in the skeletal muscle signaling response to sprint exercise, 17 men and ten women performed a 30-s Wingate test. Muscle biopsies were taken before, immediately after the exercise and at 30 and 120 min during the recovery period. Thr172- AMPKα, Ser 221-ACCβ, Thy705-STAT3, Thr202/Thy 204- ERK1/2 and Thr180/Thy182-p38MAPK phosphorylation responses to sprint exercise were not statistically different between men and women. AMPKa phosphorylation was enhanced fourfold 30 min after the sprint exercise in males and females (P<0.01). ACC β phosphorylation was enhanced by about threefold just after the sprint test exercise and 30 min into the recovery period in males and females (P<0.01). STAT3 phosphorylation was increased 2 h after the Wingate test compared to the value observed right after the end of the exercise (P<0.05), and 30 min after the Wingate test there was a 2.5-fold increase in ERK1<2 phosphorylation, compared to both the pre-exercise and to the value observed right after the Wingate test (both,p<0.05). In conclusion, the skeletal muscle signaling response to a single bout of sprint exercise mediated by AMPK, ACC, STAT3, ERK and p38MAPK is not statistically different between men and women. Marked increases in AMPKa, ACCb, STAT3 and ERK phosphorylation were observed after a single 30-s all-out sprint (Wingate test) in the vastus lateralis.
ISSN: 1439-6319
DOI: 10.1007/s00421-011-2164-0
Source: European Journal Of Applied Physiology[ISSN 1439-6319],v. 112 (5), p. 1917-1927
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