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Título: ICT for knowledge and intellectual capital management in organizations
Autores/as: Bulchand Gidumal, Jacques 
Rodríguez Jorge, José Ignacio 
Palabras clave: Gestión del conocimiento
Tecnologías de la información
Gestión de empresas
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Publicación seriada: Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital: Challenges and Opportunities
Resumen: This chapter describes which information and communication technologies (ICT) can help in the process of managing knowledge and intellectual capital in organizations. We start the chapter examining the risks we face when we use technologies for knowledge management (KM) and for intellectual capital management (ICM). Once we have done this, we review the literature to see which technologies different authors mention; choosing then the most frequently cited ones. We classify these technologies in base technologies and technological applications, getting to a final number of 17. Each of them is then summarily described and its possibilities in helping KM and ICM are stated. The chapter ends by classifying all of them according to their utility in helping in KM and ICM and in which of the processes needed in organizations for managing knowledge and intellectual capital they can be used.
ISBN: 9781599040813
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-081-3.ch011
Fuente: Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital: Challenges and Opportunities, p. 168-187
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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