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Título: Magnetic field around asynchronous electrical machines with variable frequency
Autores/as: Diaz, Felipe 
Déniz, Fabián 
Hernández, Guillermo
Clasificación UNESCO: 3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 1383-7281
Publicación seriada: Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 
Conferencia: 2nd International Conference on Electromagnetic Field, Health and Environment (EHE 2007) 
Resumen: The aim of this paper is the essay and measurement of the magnetic induction at low frequencies produced by an asynchronous electrical machine. Measurements have been taken near to the machine, starting from its axis. We have worked at different frequencies, all of them below 50 Hz. This way we have studied the relationship between a non-punctual source of magnetic field, the frequency of the voltage and the values of the M.F. around it.
ISBN: 978-1-58603-860-1
ISSN: 1383-7281
Fuente: Electromagnetic Field, Health And Environment, Proceedings Of Ehe '07[ISSN 1383-7281],v. 29, p. 38-42
Colección:Actas de congresos
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