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Título: New procedure for optimal design and evaluation of cogeneration system based on advanced exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental analyses
Autores/as: Khoshgoftar Manesh, M. H.
Navid, P.
Blanco Marigorta, A. M. 
Amidpour, M.
Hamedi, M. H.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2391 Química ambiental
330311 Química industrial
332202 Generación de energía
Palabras clave: Advanced exergoeconomic analysis
Advanced exergoenvironmental analysis
Cogeneration Environmental impact Targeting
Environmental impact
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Editor/a: 0360-5442
Publicación seriada: Energy 
Resumen: A systematic procedure is introduced for optimal design and evaluation of cogeneration systems based on the accurate cogeneration targeting model and the development of the R-curve concept through advanced exergetic, exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental analyses. An advanced exergetic analysis makes this information more accurate and useful and supplies additional information that cannot be provided by the conventional analysis. Moreover, the new graphical representations are proposed based on new concept. Finally, the optimal design of Iran LNG cogeneration plant is performed, in which the usefulness of this method is clearly demonstrated.
ISSN: 0360-5442
DOI: 10.1016/
Fuente: Energy [ISSN 0360-5442], v. 59, p. 314-333
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