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Título: First approach to automatic identification of bat calls, in the Basque Country
Autores/as: Lopez-De-Ipina, K.
Travieso, C. M. 
Alonso, J. B. 
Egiraun, H.
Ezeiza, A.
Aihartza, J. R.
Garin, I.
Barroso, N.
Vasquez, J. L.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Publicación seriada: INES 2013 - IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings
Conferencia: 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES 2013 
Resumen: The conservation and preservation of biodiversity, its global and fair use, ensures the survival of the planet and ultimately ours. Taken into account the tools provided by scientific and technological developments and increasing concern for environmental conservation, it is of great relevance to identify appropriate technological tools for environmental sustainability. Moreover it is essential establishing certain protocols for their implementation and use. For this reason specialists in intelligent automatic systems, in biology and engineers have been working together for several years in this issue. This paper presents the first steps towards the development of a biometric system based on ultrasound for identification of bat calls in the Basque Country. They have been carried out three different kind of identification with regard to: specie, individual and behaviour. © 2013 IEEE.
ISBN: 9781479908288
DOI: 10.1109/INES.2013.6632814
Fuente: INES 2013 - IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings (6632814), p. 215-218
Colección:Actas de congresos
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