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Título: Cultural differences and entrepreneurial behaviour: an intra-country cross-cultural analysis in Cape Verde
Autores/as: García Cabrera, Antonia Mercedes 
García Soto, María Gracia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Palabras clave: Emprendimiento
Cabo Verde
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 0898-5626
Publicación seriada: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 
Resumen: Two recent research trends give rise to the current work: the need to extend the conclusions reached in entrepreneurship studies to other cultural contexts, particularly important given the interest in stimulating the creation of firms in recently industrialised and less developed countries; and the need to go beyond the axiom 'nation = culture' in favour of the multiple cultures perspective. With these antecedents, we present the current work, which aims to answer two research questions: (1) are the cultural values associated in the literature with venture creation generalisable to different cultural contexts? (2) are there intra-cultural differences in a country generating differences in the entrepreneurial behaviour of its population? Thus, this work contributes to extending knowledge about entrepreneurship and international cross-cultural management by taking the novel approach of studying the cultural values and the decision to create a venture from the intra-cultural differences perspective. A sample of 448 individuals, obtained in the Republic of Cape Verde and analysed in six territories within this country, allows us to confirm the existence of cultural differences in individualism between regions of the Republic of Cape Verde, as well as their capacity to explain entrepreneurial behaviour in these regions.
ISSN: 0898-5626
DOI: 10.1080/08985620801912608
Fuente: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development[ISSN 0898-5626],v. 20, p. 451-483
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