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Title: The formulation of promise in Medieval English medical recipes: A relevance-theoretic approach
Authors: Alonso Almeida, Francisco 
Cabrera Abreu, Mercedes 
UNESCO Clasification: 57 Lingüística
570201 Lingüística histórica
Keywords: Comparative Literature
Historical Linguistic
Medical Recipe
Medieval Recipe
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: 0028-2677
Journal: Neophilologus 
Abstract: In this paper, we analyse the formulation of promise in Medieval English medical recipesfollowing the Theory of Relevance. Our data for analysis consists of formulae normallyfound at the end of medieval recipes and which have been labelled as efficacy phrasesor statements. A first glance at these expressions suggests that the writer is indeed attestingto the value of a particular remedy. However, we claim that these expressions havedifferent meanings depending on the set of contexts in which they are embedded.
ISSN: 0028-2677
DOI: 10.1023/A:1012940619214
Source: Neophilologus[ISSN 0028-2677],v. 86, p. 137-154
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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