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Título: An analysis of operations strategy in the food and beverage sector
Autores/as: Bolívar Cruz, Alicia María 
Espino Rodríguez, Tomás Francisco 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531109 Organización de la producción
Palabras clave: Operaciones estratégicas
Sector alimenticio
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 1744-2370
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Services and Operations Management 
Resumen: This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the operations strategy of the manufacturing companies in the food and beverage sector on the island of Gran Canaria. Three research objectives are proposed. The first objective is to use the theoretical framework of Hayes and Wheelwright (1984) to evaluate the effectiveness of the operations strategy and the importance that management attaches to it. The second is to assess the importance attached to long-term decision making in the manufacturing area. The third and final objective is to evaluate the importance attached to competitive priorities as well as to detect whether there is a relationship between the competitive priorities and the decisions regarding the manufacturing function. The results show that the companies analysed are situated within levels two and three of the continuum, tending towards the latter. They also show that there is no predominance of operations strategy over marketing strategy, or vice versa. The most valued decisions are those related to quality and product design.
ISSN: 1744-2370
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2008.015942
Fuente: International Journal of Services and Operations Management[ISSN 1744-2370],v. 4, p. 102-124
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