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Title: A novel fibrillin 1 gene mutation leading to marfan syndrome with minimal cardiac features
Authors: Martínez-Quintana, E. 
Rodríguez-González, F.
Garay-Sánchez, P.
Tugores, A. 
UNESCO Clasification: 320501 Cardiología
Keywords: Aorta
Ectopia lentis
Fibrillin 1
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: 1661-8769
Journal: Molecular Syndromology 
Abstract: Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder of the connective tissue, characterized by early development of thoracic aortic aneurysms and/or dissections, accompanied by ocular and/or skeletal involvement, and is caused by mutations in the fibrillin 1 (FBN1) gene. We report on a patient with ectopia lentis and a nonprogressive aortic root dilatation who presented with a novel mutation affecting a conserved cysteine residue present in a calcium-binding epidermal growth factor-like domain of FBN1 (ENSP00000325527, p.Cys538Phe; Chr15:48,805,751 G>T), as revealed by complete sequencing of the FBN1 gene exons and flanking sequences. Identification of the mutation led to genetic screening of apparently asymptomatic family members, allowing the detection of characteristic ocular phenotypes in the absence of typical cardiac Marfan features. This finding stresses the importance of genetic screening of asymptomatic relatives for FBN1 gene mutation carriers.
ISSN: 1661-8769
DOI: 10.1159/000358846
Source: Molecular Syndromology [ISSN 1661-8769], v. 5, p. 236-240
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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