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Title: Family social capital, trust within the TMT, and the establishment of corporate goals related to nonfamily stakeholders
Authors: Cabrera Suárez, María Katiuska 
Déniz Déniz, María de la Cruz 
Martín Santana, Josefa Delia 
UNESCO Clasification: 5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Keywords: Empresas familiares
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: 0894-4865
Journal: Family Business Review 
Abstract: Based on a social capital approach, we analyze how structural and cognitive family social capital (FSC) influences the establishment of corporate goals related to nonfamily stakeholders (EGNFS) in family firms. Data were obtained from 374 family and nonfamily members of top management teams (TMTs) in 173 Spanish family firms. Results show that structural FSC directly influences the establishment of corporate goals related to nonfamily stakeholders. Also there is an indirect influence through the effect FSC has on the relational social capital (trust) in the TMT. When data are split based on familial and nonfamilial TMTs (depending on the percentage of family members), results show important differences between the two groups.
ISSN: 0894-4865
DOI: 10.1177/0894486514526754
Source: Family Business Review[ISSN 0894-4865],v. 28, p. 145-162
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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