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Título: Are outsourcing and non-aeronautical revenues important drivers in the efficiency of Spanish airports?
Autores/as: Tovar de la Fe, Beatriz Erasmi 
Rendeiro Martin-Cejas, Roberto 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Palabras clave: Aeropuertos
Transportes aereos
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: 0969-6997
Publicación seriada: Journal of Air Transport Management 
Resumen: This paper evaluates the influence of contracting out, or outsourcing, certain airport services and of commercial diversification strategy. Although most of the effort is being put towards applying non-parametric techniques in airport efficiency studies, we have chosen parametric methodology. We use a distance function, as it has known advantages. The findings show the positive contribution of outsourcing and non-aeronautical revenues on the efficiency of the Spanish airports' network.
ISSN: 0969-6997
DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2008.09.009
Fuente: Journal of Air Transport Management[ISSN 0969-6997],v. 15, p. 217-220
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