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Título: Validity of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire in sports and its links with performance satisfaction
Autores/as: Laborde, Sylvain
Dosseville, Fabrice
Guillen, Felix 
Chávez, Enrique
Clasificación UNESCO: 61 Psicología
Palabras clave: Emotional intelligence
Path analysis
Stress appraisal
Emotions, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Editor/a: 1469-0292
Publicación seriada: Psychology of Sport and Exercise 
Resumen: OBJECTIVE: This research project consisted of two studies aimed at validating the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (TEIQue) in a sports sample. DESIGN: Study 1 used a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to investigate if the original 4-factor structure of the TEIQue could be replicated in a sample of athletes. In addition, we explored the relationship between trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) and the demographic variables age, sex, type of sport (individual vs. team), expertise, and years of training. Study 2 used a path analysis approach to explore if trait EI is related to performance satisfaction through stress appraisal and coping behaviors. METHOD: In Study 1, 973 athletes completed the TEIQue and a demographic questionnaire. In Study 2, 291 athletes completed the TEIQue. Moreover, with a recent competition in mind, they completed the Coping Inventory for Competitive Sports, as well as items on perceived intensity of stress, perceived controllability of stress, challenge and threat appraisals, coping effectiveness, and performance satisfaction. RESULTS: Study 1 showed with a CFA that the original 4-factor structure of the TEIQue could be replicated in a sports sample. Of the demographic variables, only age showed a significant positive relationship with trait EI. Study 2 showed that trait EI was related to performance satisfaction through stress appraisal and coping variables. CONCLUSIONS: This research showed that the TEIQue can be used with athletes and that trait EI is useful for understanding certain aspects of sports performance satisfaction.
ISSN: 1469-0292
DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2014.05.001
Fuente: Psychology Of Sport And Exercise[ISSN 1469-0292],v. 15 (5), p. 481-490
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