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Title: The different response of apparently identical structures: a far-field lesson from the Mirandola 20th May 2012 earthquake
Authors: Castellaro, Silvia
Padrón, Luis Alberto 
Mulargia, Francesco
UNESCO Clasification: 250705 Sismología y prospección sismica
330506 Ingeniería civil
330510 Cimientos
Keywords: Soil-structure double resonance
Site effects
Structural analysis
Structural modeling
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: 1570-761X
Journal: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 
Abstract: Twin structures, that is structures very similar in terms of geometry, materials, mass distribution etc., founded on the same soil and set at very close distance, are rationally expected to have an identical response to earthquakes. When this does not occur, a role is usually played by factors like the interaction with the surrounding structures or by other anomalies hidden behind the apparent similarity. We present the case of two apparently twin towers that showed a very different response to the 2012 Mirandola (Italy) earthquake ground shaking: one remained perfectly intact while the other had a wide set of fractures on secondary walls. This resulted to be the effect of several contributing factors: the stiffness of the two structures, experimentally measured, provided unexpected differences. This reflected into different modal frequencies for the two towers, with the first and second modes of the damaged tower coincident or very close to the soil resonance. The final result was a coupled soil-structure resonance, implying a much higher displacement of one tower compared to the other, under the same input motion. In Italy, insurance against earthquake damage will probably become compulsory in the near future. This case suggests that the specific soil-structure and structure-structure interaction will have to be carefully evaluated since they can critically affect even apparently identical structures.
ISSN: 1570-761X
DOI: 10.1007/s10518-013-9505-9
Source: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering[ISSN 1570-761X],v. 12, p. 2481-2493
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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