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Título: Telecommunication technology: its influence on the development of engineering projects
Autores/as: Berriel, R.
Osorio Acosta, Javier 
Rodriguez, J.
Clasificación UNESCO: 5802 Organización y planificación de la educación
Palabras clave: Enseñanza superior
Innovaciones tecnológicas
Fecha de publicación: 1996
Editor/a: 0716-8756
Publicación seriada: Informacion Tecnologica 
Resumen: In this paper, the use of Information Technology in organizations and the influence of the inclusion of Telecommunication Technology are discussed. The importance of telecommunications in the elaboration of engineering projects and the role of project engineers in the innovation and invigoration of medium size companies are also analyzed. Finally, the advantages of Telecommunication Technology in all kind of business and organizations are pointed out.
ISSN: 0716-8756
Fuente: Informacion Tecnologica[ISSN 0716-8756],v. 7, p. 25-30
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actualizado el 04-may-2024

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