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Título: Analog mitigation of out of band strong interferers in wide band acquisition for multiband HF transmissions
Autores/as: Zazo, S.
Sanz-González, J. L.
Pérez Díaz, Baltasar 
Pérez-Álvarez, I. 
López-Pérez, J. 
Melián-Gutiérrez, L.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Conferencia: 12th IET International Conference on Ionospheric Radio Systems and Techniques, IRST 2012 
Resumen: It is clear that in the near future much broader transmissions in the HF band will replace part of the current narrow band links. Our personal view is that a real wide band signal is infeasible in this environment because the usage is typically very intensive and may suffer interferences from all over the world. Therefore, we envision that dynamic multiband transmissions may provide better satisfactory performance. From the very beginning, we observed that real links with our broadband transceiver suffered interferences out of our multiband but within the acquisition bandwidth that degrade the expected performance. Therefore, we concluded that a mitigation structure is required that operates on severely saturated signals as the interference may be of much higher power. In this paper we address a procedure based on Higher Order Crossings (HOC) statistics that are able to extract most of the signal structure in the case where the amplitude is severely distorted and allows the estimation of the interference carrier frequency to command a variable notch filter that mitigates its effect in the analog domain.
ISBN: 9781849196239
DOI: 10.1049/cp.2012.0381
Fuente: IET Conference Publications,v. 2012, p. 53
Colección:Actas de congresos
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