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Título: Expatriation: Traditional criticisms and international careers: Introducing the special issue
Autores/as: Bonache, Jaime
Brewster, Chris
Suutari, Vesa
De Saa Pérez, Petra 
Clasificación UNESCO: 6309 Grupos sociales
Palabras clave: Refugiados
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 1096-4762
Publicación seriada: Thunderbird International Business Review 
Resumen: In this introduction to our special issue, we will first seek to discuss the extent to which recent expatriation research and literature is still subject to earlier criticisms. Second, we will discuss the future research needs concerning the theme of this special issue, international careers, briefly reviewing the dominating research theme within the international career context (i.e., the career impacts of international assignment) and suggesting some future research areas. After that, we will offer a particularly promising new avenue for future research: the new forms of international work. We will conclude by summarizing the articles for this special issue and illustrate how they fit within this new avenue.
ISSN: 1096-4762
DOI: 10.1002/tie.20349
Fuente: Thunderbird International Business Review[ISSN 1096-4762],v. 52, p. 263-274
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