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Título: Creditor conflict and bankruptcy resolution in Spain
Autores/as: Aguiar-Díaz, Inmaculada 
Ruiz-Mallorquí, María Victoria 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5301 Política fiscal y hacienda pública nacionales
Palabras clave: Bancarrota
Corporate Bankruptcy
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Editor/a: 1698-5117
Publicación seriada: Universia Business Review 
Resumen: The focus of this paper is to analyze the effect of the type of creditors, and specially, the conflict between bank creditors and commercial ones, in the resolution of the bankruptcy. The results for a group of Spanish unlisted firms are: 1) the different priority given to them by law in the recovery of their credits implies that creditors have different preferences regarding the bankruptcy resolution; and 2) the conflict between both types of creditors reduces the probability of reorganization in bankrupt firm.
ISSN: 1698-5117
Fuente: Universia Business Review[ISSN 1698-5117],v. 39, p. 50-65
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