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Title: The Spanish support for the Third Reich in the Second World War: New considerations about the Etappenorganisation
Authors: Díaz Benítez, Juan J. 
UNESCO Clasification: 550402 Historia contemporánea
Keywords: Etappenorganisation
Naval war
Second World War
Spanish non-belligerency
Third Reich
Issue Date: 2016
Journal: International Journal of Maritime History 
Abstract: The goal of this article is to study the great Spain-Portugal supply area as part of the international deployment of the Etappenorganisation before and during the Second World War. To accomplish this objective, the records of the German Naval War Command are analysed to demonstrate three hypotheses: Spain was part of the Etappenorganisation long before the beginning of the war; she played an important role in the preparation of supply vessels and blockade runners, supported by Spanish non-belligerence; the dismantling of the Etappenorganisation in Spain provisionally began in 1942 and continued in the following years.
ISSN: 0843-8714
DOI: 10.1177/0843871416647347
Source: International Journal of Maritime History[ISSN 0843-8714],v. 28, p. 513-531
Appears in Collections:Reseña
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