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Title: Model uncertainties of local-thermodynamic-equilibrium K-shell spectroscopy
Authors: Nagayama, T.
Bailey, J. E.
Mancini, R. C.
Iglesias, C. A.
Hansen, S. B.
Blancard, C.
Chung, H. K.
Colgan, J.
Cosse, P.
Faussurier, G.
Florido, R. 
Fontes, C. J.
Gilleron, F.
Golovkin, I. E.
Kilcrease, D. P.
Loisel, G.
MacFarlane, J. J.
Pain, J.-C.
Rochau, G. A.
Sherrill, M. E.
Lee, R. W.
UNESCO Clasification: 22 Física
Keywords: Diagnostics uncertainty
Line shape
Plasma diagnostics, et al
Issue Date: 2016
Project: Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium 
Journal: High Energy Density Physics 
Abstract: Local-thermodynamic-equilibrium (LTE) K-shell spectroscopy is a common tool to diagnose electron density, ne, and electron temperature, Te, of high-energy-density (HED) plasmas. Knowing the accuracy of such diagnostics is important to provide quantitative conclusions of many HED-plasma research efforts. For example, Fe opacities were recently measured at multiple conditions at the Sandia National Laboratories Z machine (Bailey et al., 2015), showing significant disagreement with modeled opacities. Since the plasma conditions were measured using K-shell spectroscopy of tracer Mg (Nagayama et al., 2014), one concern is the accuracy of the inferred Fe conditions. In this article, we investigate the K-shell spectroscopy model uncertainties by analyzing the Mg spectra computed with 11 different models at the same conditions. We find that the inferred conditions differ by ±20-30% in ne and ±2-4% in Te depending on the choice of spectral model. Also, we find that half of the Te uncertainty comes from ne uncertainty. To refine the accuracy of the K-shell spectroscopy, it is important to scrutinize and experimentally validate line-shape theory. We investigate the impact of the inferred ne and Te model uncertainty on the Fe opacity measurements. Its impact is small and does not explain the reported discrepancies.
ISSN: 1574-1818
DOI: 10.1016/j.hedp.2016.05.001
Source: High Energy Density Physics [ISSN 1574-1818], v. 20, p. 17-22
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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