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Título: Application of change detection techniques in geomorphological evolution of coastal areas. Example: Mouth of the River Ebro (period 1957–2013)
Autores/as: Ramírez-Cuesta, Juan Miguel
Rodríguez-Santalla, Inmaculada
Gracia, F. Javier
Sánchez-García, María José 
Barrio-Parra, Fernando
Clasificación UNESCO: 250507 Geografía física
Palabras clave: Changes detection techniques
Ebro River delta
Geomorphological units
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Applied Geography 
Resumen: This study aims to test the effectiveness of the changes detection techniques to determine the evolution of the various geomorphological units identified in Ebro River mouth, in order to establish their evolutionary trends and to explain the changes between 1957 and 2013 years. To evaluate the most significant changes in the Ebro River mouth, the different geomorphological units present in the area were obtained by interpretation of aerial imagery. It has been noted that the period 1957–1984 was more dynamic and intense than the period 1984–2013, indicating a loss of capacity of the processes causing changes, and the shoreline is evolving toward a more stable morphology. It was determined that the most important processes that took place were mainly marine erosion processes and anthropogenic expansion. On the characterization in the entire period studied, it was determined that growth or decrease processes (net change) are as relevant in the region as processes which include location changes (swap). The change analysis methodology allows analyzing the evolution of coastal geomorphology, since it allows the determination and characterization of the principal transitions amongst the identified geomorphological units, and, therefore, to obtain the main processes that dominate the area, which is particularly relevant on highly vulnerable environments, such as coastal deltaic areas.
ISSN: 0143-6228
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.07.015
Fuente: Applied Geography[ISSN 0143-6228],v. 75, p. 12-27
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