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Título: Oncological resection of lung cancer invading the aortic arch In full thickness using a non-fenestrated endograft
Autores/as: Santana-Rodríguez, Norberto
Martel, Efrén
Clavo, Bernardino 
Llontop, Pedro
Calderón-Murgas, César
Raad, Wissam N.
Alshehri, Khalid
Ayub, Adil
Jenny Huang, Chyun-Yin
Hussein, Mohamed
Alayón, Santiago
Bhora, Faiz Y.
Clasificación UNESCO: 320101 Oncología
320508 Enfermedades pulmonares
Palabras clave: Aortic arch
Lung cancer
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Journal of Surgical Oncology 
Resumen: T4 lung cancer invading the full thickness of the aortic arch was completely removed in a 78-year-old lady using a non-fenestrated endograft closing the left subclavian artery origin without performing surgical revascularization. Left thoracotomy and upper lobectomy with resection of superior segment of the lower lobe and full thickness of the infiltrated aorta was performed without covering the aortic defect. The margins of the specimen were free of tumor. The patient survived 32 months.
ISSN: 0022-4790
DOI: 10.1002/jso.24359
Fuente: Journal of Surgical Oncology [ISSN 0022-4790], v. 114 (4), p. 412-415
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