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Título: Knowledge sources and innovation in the hotel industry: Empirical analysis on Gran Canaria Island, a mature mass-tourism destination
Autores/as: Nieves, Julia 
Diaz-Meneses, Gonzalo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Innovation
Radical innovation
Hotel industry
Knowledge management
Incremental innovation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Editor/a: 0959-6119
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 
Resumen: Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify the role played by external knowledge sources and intra-organizational collaboration as determinants of innovation in hotel firms. It proposes that local knowledge sources and intra-organizational collaboration determine the probability of producing incremental innovations, and that non-local knowledge sources determine the introduction of radical innovations. Design/methodology/approach Descriptive statistics made it possible to evaluate the importance of each of the external sources as the origin of ideas for innovation. Principal component analysis was used to find homogeneous groups based on the different knowledge sources contemplated. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine which variables predict a hotel’s capacity to introduce innovations. Findings The findings suggest a dissociation between innovations adopted by directly incorporating the specific knowledge provided by external agents and innovations that require the mediation of intra-organizational collaboration for their development. Research limitations/implications Future qualitative studies can provide data that would considerably improve the understanding of how innovation processes are produced in hotel companies based on the use of external knowledge and how hotel firms develop spaces to exchange and combine internal knowledge. Practical implications Hotel firms can adopt innovations by incorporating specific knowledge from external companies or by developing their own innovations based on information gathered from external agents or events (e.g. customers, attending trade fairs and professional conferences). The transformation of this information into innovations requires the establishment of internal communication channels that foment employees’ collaboration and exchange of information. Originality/value The study provides empirical evidence for the relevant role played by both external agents and intra-organizational relationships as sources of knowledge to foster innovation in hotel firms. External agents are classified as local and non-local sources, and their effect on innovation is analyzed, distinguishing between incremental and radical innovations.
ISSN: 0959-6119
DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2016-0341
Fuente: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management[ISSN 0959-6119],v. 30, p. 2537-2561
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