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Title: Assessment of static posturography and pedobarography for the detection of unilateral forelimb lameness in ponies
Authors: Pitti, Lidia
Oosterlinck, Maarten
Díaz-Bertrana Sánchez, María Luisa 
Carrillo, José M.
Rubio, Monica
Sopena, Joaquín
Santana, Angelo 
Vilar, José M. 
UNESCO Clasification: 3109 Ciencias veterinarias
240401 Bioestadística
120903 Análisis de datos
Keywords: Compensatory Load Redistribution
Hind-Limb Lameness
Pressure Plate
Force Plate
Horses, et al
Issue Date: 2018
Journal: BMC Veterinary Research 
Abstract: Background: Static posturography and pedobarography are based on the detection of postural imbalance and, consequently, the pressure redistribution between limbs in lame subjects. These techniques have proven to be useful for the detection of lameness in humans and dogs. The main objective of this study was to test the suitability of static posturography and pedobarography in diagnosing lameness in ponies. A pressure platform was used to obtain postural data (statokinesiograms, mean X and Y, length, LFS ratio, and mean velocity) from 10 sound ponies and 7 ponies with unilateral forelimb lameness. Static pedobarographic data (pressure distribution, mean pressure, and peak pressure) were also collected and compared with force plate data (peak vertical force and vertical impulse) obtained from the same animals at the walk. Results: Significant differences were seen between lame and sound ponies for almost all evaluated parameters. With this sample size, differences between lame and sound limbs/groups were detected with a statistical power of 90%, except for mean X and Y. Conclusions: Static posturography and pedobarography provide a complementary approach for lameness detection in equids.
ISSN: 1746-6148
DOI: 10.1186/s12917-018-1462-8
Source: BMC Veterinary Research [ISSN 1746-6148], v. 14 (151)
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