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Título: Entrepreneurs' resources, technology strategy, and new technology-based firms' performance
Autores/as: García-Cabrera, Antonia Mercedes 
García-Soto, María Gracia 
Olivares-Mesa, Arístides 
Clasificación UNESCO: 53 Ciencias económicas
5306 Economía del cambio tecnológico
Palabras clave: High-Tech
International Entrepreneurship
Dynamic Capabilities
Venture Performance
Industry Structure, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Journal of Small Business Management 
Resumen: This study is based on the configuration approach and argues that the new technology-based venture's performance depends on how well the entrepreneur's resources allow the chosen technology strategy to be executed, in other words, the fit between the resources and the strategy. The authors study this idea by using a sample of 175 Spanish new technology-based ventures. The results indicate that the fit between the chosen technology strategy and the entrepreneur's resources explain the firm's performance, when this is measured through foreign market performance. That fit is also related to the technology-based firm's financial results and generic and domestic performance.
ISSN: 0047-2778
DOI: 10.1111/jsbm.12411
Fuente: Journal Of Small Business Management[ISSN 0047-2778],v. 57 (4), p. 1506-1530, (Octubre 2019)
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