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Título: Una nueva edición de los "Aphthonii Sophistae Progymnasmata" de Bartolomé Alcázar
Otros títulos: A new edition of Bartolomé Alcázar's Aphthonii Sophistae Progymnasmata
Autores/as: Cuyás-de Torres, María Elisa 
Clasificación UNESCO: 570107 Lengua y literatura
620202 Análisis literario
Palabras clave: Bartolomé Alcázar
Rhetoric, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Agora - Estudos Classicos em Debate 
Resumen: Bartolomé Alcázar published in 1681 his Progymnasmata in a work composed of three parts and, at a later stage, of Part II which was edited separately. In 1688 he reprinted this Part, in a corrected and augmented version. There is also a posthumous edition of the initial work, printed in 1725. This study analyzes the state of play of these publications and, as a result, provides information on the location of three copies of an edition of 1706 not mentioned in any bibliography or study, demonstrating that the publication of 1706 corresponds to the second edition of the first complete work, and that the one of 1725 is a copy of this one.
ISSN: 0874-5498
Fuente: Agora - Estudos Classicos em Debate [ISSN 0874-5498], v. 20, p. 269-282
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