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Título: A comprehensive fracture prevention strategy in older adults: The European union geriatric medicine society (EUGMS) statement
Autores/as: Blain, H.
Masud, T.
Dargent-Molina, P.
Martin, F. C.
Rosendahl, E.
van der Velde, N.
Bousquet, J.
Benetos, A.
Cooper, C.
Kanis, J. A.
Reginster, J. Y.
Roux, C.
Silverman, S.
Sosa Henríquez, Manuel 
Thomas, T.
Vasikaran, S.
Watts, N. B.
Weryha, G.
Rizzoli, R.
Cortet, B.
Barbagallo, M.
Dreinhoefer, K.
Vellas, B.
Maggi, S.
Strandberg, T.
Alvarez, M. N.
Annweiler, C.
Bernard, P. -L.
Beswetherick, N.
Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A.
Bloch, F.
Boddaert, J.
Bonnefoy, M.
Bousson, V.
Bourdel-Marchasson, I.
Capisizu, A.
Che, H.
Clara, J. G.
Combe, B.
Delignieres, D.
Eklund, P.
Emmelot-Vonk, M.
Freiberger, E.
Gauvain, J. -B.
Goswami, N.
Guldemond, N.
Herrero, A. C.
Joel, M. -E.
Jonsdottir, A. B.
Kemoun, G.
Kiss, I.
Kolk, H.
Kowalski, M. L.
Krajcik, S.
Kutsal, Y.G.
Lauretani, F.
Macijauskiene, J.
Mellingsaeter, M.
Morel, J.
Mourey, F.
Nourashemi, F.
Nyakas, C.
Rambourg, P.
Ramirez, A. G.
Rapp, K.
Rolland, Y.
Ryg, J.
Sahota, O.
Snoeijs, S.
Stephan, Y.
Thomas, E.
Todd, C.
Treml, J.
Adachi, R.
Agnusdei, D.
Body, J.-J.
Breuil, V.
Bruyere, O.
Burckardt, P.
Cannata-Andia,J. B.
Carey, J.
Chan, D. -C.
Chapuis, L.
Chevalley, T.
Cohen-Solal, M.
Dawson-Hughes, B.
Dennison, E. M.
Devogelaer, J. -P.
Fardellone, P.
Feron, J. -M.
Diez-Perez, Adolfo
Felsenberg, D.
Glueer, C.
Harvey, N.
Hiligsman, M.
Javaid, M. K.
Jorgensen, N. R.
Kendler, D.
Kraenzlin, M.
Laroche, M.
Legrand, E.
Leslie, W. D.
Lespessailles, E.
Lewiecki, E. M.
Nakamura, T.
Papaioannou, A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3205 Medicina interna
321315 Traumatología
320714 Osteopatología
Palabras clave: Falls
Fragility Fracture
Older People
Position Statement
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: European Geriatric Medicine 
Resumen: Prevention of fragility fractures in older people has become a public health priority, although the most appropriate and cost-effective strategy remains unclear. In the present statement, the Interest group on falls and fracture prevention of the European union geriatric medicine society (EUGMS), in collaboration with the International association of gerontology and geriatrics for the European region (IAGG-ER), the European union of medical specialists (EUMS), the Fragility fracture network (FFN), the International osteoporosis foundation (IOF) - European society for clinical and economic aspects of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis (ECCEO), outlines its views on the main points in the current debate in relation to the primary and secondary prevention of falls, the diagnosis and treatment of bone fragility, and the place of combined falls and fracture liaison services for fracture prevention in older people..
ISSN: 1878-7649
DOI: 10.1016/j.eurger.2016.04.012
Fuente: European Geriatric Medicine [ISSN 1878-7649], v. 7 (6), p. 519-525
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