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Título: 3D-Monitoring Big Geo Data on a seaport infrastructure based on FIWARE
Autores/as: Fernández López, Pablo Carmelo
Suárez, José Pablo 
Trujillo, Agustín 
Domínguez, Conrado
Santana, José Miguel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330499 Otras (especificar)
Palabras clave: GIS
Smart port
G3M, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Journal of Geographical Systems 
Conferencia: 1st International Conference on Geographical Information Systems - Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM) 
Resumen: Many organizations of all kinds are using new technologies to assist the acquisition and analysis of data. Seaports are a good example of this trend. Seaports generate data regarding the management of marine traffic and other elements, as well as environmental conditions given by meteorological sensors and buoys. However, this enormous amount of data, also known as Big Data, is useless without a proper system to organize, analyze and visualize it. SmartPort is an online platform for the visualization and management of a seaport data that has been built as a GIS application. This work offers a Rich Internet Application that allows the user to visualize and manage the different sources of information produced in a port environment. The Big Data management is based on the FIWARE platform, as well as "The Internet of Things" solutions for the data acquisition. At the same time, Glob3 Mobile (G3M) framework has been used for the development of map requirements. In this way, SmartPort supports 3D visualization of the ports scenery and its data sources.
ISSN: 1435-5930
DOI: 10.1007/s10109-018-0269-2
Fuente: Journal of Geographical Systems [ISSN 1435-5930], v. 20, p. 139-157
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