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Título: Mental imagery in translation processes
Autores/as: De León, Celia Martín 
Clasificación UNESCO: 570113 Lingüística aplicada a la traducción e interpretación
Palabras clave: Embodiment
LASS theory
Mental imagery
Mental simulation
OSIVQ, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Hermes (Denmark) 
Resumen: The use of mental imagery has been claimed in Translation and Interpreting Studies to help students to understand source texts as well as to avoid interferences. The role played by mental images in translation and interpreting has, however, been scarcely investigated. This study explores the use of mental images by translation students, drawing on embodied approaches to language comprehension - in particular, on the Language and Situated Simulation (LASS) theory. Five translation students translated three texts with different contents (respectively focusing on objects, on spatial relations and on abstract concepts). Four kinds of data were collected: (1) a self-report questionnaire about individual preferences in the use of mental imagery; (2) key-logged translation processes; (3) fnished translations, and (4) self-reports about mental imaging during the translation processes. The results suggest that there are individual differences in the use of mental images in translation and that the participants' individual imaging profles, as assessed by the self-report Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire (OSIVQ), may help to explain these differences.
ISSN: 0904-1699
Fuente: Hermes (Denmark)[ISSN 0904-1699], p. 201-220
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