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Title: El trasterramiento en la obra de Mercedes Pinto
Other Titles: Trasterramiento in the work of Mercedes Pinto
Authors: Becerra-Bolaños, Antonio 
Pérez Hernández, Nayra 
UNESCO Clasification: 6202 Teoría, análisis y crítica literarias
Keywords: Mercedes Pinto (1883-1976)
Canarian Literature
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 
Abstract: For a variety of reasons, many Spaniards emigrated to Latin America in\nthe twentieth century. In cultural terms, this transatlantic movement of\npeople implied the creation of important literary dialogues and\nproductions that enriched both shores. In this context, we offer a\nreflection on the work of the Canarian author, Mercedes Pinto\n(1883-1976), following her exile in Uruguay during the dictatorship of\nPrimo de Rivera. We will analyze the impact his exile exercised on her\nliterary production following Gaos's concept of ``trasterramiento.{''}\nFurther, taking Gonzalez Diaz's concept of the Canary Islander's\n``migraciones golondrinas{''} as a point of departure, we map out a\nreading of Pinto's work focusing on three key moments of her\ntransatlantic crossing: the departure (expectations, perspectives,\npossibilities); the voyage itself and her subsequent wanderings; and the\nexperience of exile (how life becomes literature). Her years of exile in\nseveral Latin American countries constituted a long and dynamic journey\nthat proved fruitful for her writing. We thus approach her work from a\ndual perspective-analyzing both the aesthetic experience itself along\nwith the places that populate it.
ISSN: 0034-818X
DOI: 10.1353/rvs.2017.0061
Source: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos [ISSN 0034-818X], v. 51 (3), p. 659-675
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