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Título: Factors associated with stunting among childrenaged 0 to 59 months from the central regionof Mozambique
Autores/as: García Cruz, L.M. 
González Azpeitia, G. 
Reyes Súarez, D. 
Santana Rodríguez, Alfredo 
Loro Ferrer, Juan Francisco 
Serra-Majem, Lluis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
320604 Deficiencias alimentarias
Palabras clave: Undernutrition
Growth retardation
Nutritional assessment
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Nutrients 
Conferencia: VIII Symposium Internacional CIBEROBN: Obesity and Nutrition in the 21st Century (El CIBER Fisiopatología Obesidad y Nutrición)
Resumen: The results showed that birth weight, mother's educational status, maternal occupation, living in a rural area, family size, number of children under five years of age in the household, cooking with charcoal, inhabiting wooden or straw housing or housing without proper floors, overall duration of breastfeeding as well as duration of exclusive breastfeeding, and time of initiation of complementary feeding were significantly related to stunting.
Descripción: Program of Medical Training that imparts the ULPGC in Mozambique
ISSN: 2072-6643
DOI: 10.3390/nu9050491
Fuente: Nutrients [ISSN 2072-6643], v. 9 (5)
Derechos: by-nc-nd
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