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Title: Fish welfare in aquaponic systems: its relation to water quality with an emphasis on feed and faeces-a review
Authors: Yildiz, Hijran Yavuzcan
Robaina, Lidia 
Pirhonen, Juhani
Mente, Elena
Domínguez, David 
Parisi, Giuliana
UNESCO Clasification: 3105 Peces y fauna silvestre
250811 Calidad de las aguas
Keywords: Aquaponics
Fish welfare
Suspended solids
Sustainability, et al
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Water (Switzerland) 
Abstract: Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (fish) and hydroponic cultivation of plants. This review examines fish welfare in relation to rearing water quality, fish feed and fish waste and faeces to develop a sustainable aquaponic system where the co-cultured organisms, fish, bacteria in biofilters and plants, should be considered holistically in all aquaponics perations.
ISSN: 2073-4441
DOI: 10.3390/w9010013
Source: Water (Switzerland) [ISSN 2073-4441], v. 9 (13)
Rights: by
Appears in Collections:Reseña
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