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Título: Descubrimiento de depósitos freatomagmáticos en las laderas septentrionales del estratovolcán Teide (Tenerife, Islas Canarias) : relaciones estratigráficas e implicaciones volcánicas
Autores/as: Perez-Torrado, Francisco-Jose 
Carracedo, J.C. 
Paris, Raphaël
Hansen Machín, Alex
Clasificación UNESCO: 250621 Vulcanología
Palabras clave: Depósitos freatomagmáticos
Teide (Tenerife)
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Publicación seriada: Geotemas (Madrid) 
Resumen: The Teide volcano complex is located at the centre of the triple rift system of Tenerife, nested in the caldera originated by the lateral collapse of the northern flank of the previous volcano. Several main volcanic edifices have been identified as forming the Teide complex: a main cratered stratovolcano (the “old" -pre-Holocene- Teide), and a small and relatively recent (medieval) cone and a large pre-Holocene stratovolcano (the Pico Viejo volcano), located respectively at the summit and on the western flank of the main volcano. Phreatomagmatic deposits, previously misinterpreted as phonolitic lava flows of the main volcano, have been identified outcropping al the northern flank of the main volcano, below a prominent protrusion. These deposits, comprising breccias apparently related to proximal facies of ignimbrites and wet and dry surges with interbedded phonolitic flows of the pre-Holocene Teide, are encircled by more recent Pico Viejo and medieval Teide flows. They correspond to another explosive vent (for which we propose the name Calvas del Teide volcano) completely mantled by the medieval lavas, forming the prominent bulge al the northern flank of Teide.
ISSN: 1576-5172
Fuente: Geotemas (Madrid) [ISSN 1576-5172], v. 6 (1), p. 163-166
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