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Título: Climate change and the evolution of loggerhead sex-ratio in Cabo Verde
Autores/as: Abella Pérez, Elena
Marco, Adolfo
López-Jurado, Luis Felipe 
Clasificación UNESCO: 24 Ciencias de la vida
2401 Biología animal (zoología)
240116 Herpetología
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Resumen: Global warming can affect nesting success of sea turtles due to the rise of the sea level and the subsequent increased inundation or erosion of nesting beaches. Moreover, it can reduce male production to levels that can alter reproduction due to their temperature dependant sex determination (TSD). Now, mean nest temperatures all around the world predict a predominance of female hatchlings, and this trend may increase with global warming in the next decades.
Fuente: 14th European Congress of Herpetology and SEH Ordinary General Meeting, Porto (Portugal), 19-23 September 2007. Pag. 42
Colección:Actas de congresos
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