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Title: The meccano method for simultaneous volume parametrization and mesh generation of complex solids
Authors: Montenegro, R. 
Cascón Barbero, José Manuel
Escobar, J. M. 
Rodriguez, E. 
Montero, G. 
UNESCO Clasification: 120613 Ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales
1206 Análisis numérico
120601 Construcción de algoritmos
Keywords: Método elementos finitos
Issue Date: 2010
Project: Modelos Numéricos Predictores Para la Gestión Medioambiental. 
Subvención Del Programa Nacional de Infraestructuras Científico-Tecnológicas Dentro Del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo E Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011 (Orden Pre/660/2008, de 7 de Marzo. Boe de 12 de de Marzo). 
Journal: IOP conference series. Materials science and engineering 
Conference: 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics/4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics 
Abstract: The meccano method is a novel and promising mesh generation method for simultaneously creating adaptive tetrahedral meshes and volume parametrizations of a complex solid. We highlight the fact that the method requires minimum user intervention and has a low computational cost. The method builds a 3-D triangulation of the solid as a deformation of an appropriate tetrahedral mesh of the meccano. The new mesh generator combines an automatic parametrization of surface triangulations, a local refinement algorithm for 3-D nested triangulations and a simultaneous untangling and smoothing procedure. At present, the procedure is fully automatic for a genus-zero solid. In this case, the meccano can be a single cube. The efficiency of the proposed technique is shown with several applications.
ISSN: 1757-8981
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012018
Source: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering [ISSN 1757-8981], v. 10 (1), (Enero 2014)
Rights: by-nc-nd
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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