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Título: On soil-structurae interaction in large non-slender partially buried structures
Autores/as: Vega, Jaime
Aznárez González, Juan José 
Santana Naranjo, Ariel 
Alarcón Álvarez, Enrique
Pérez González, Juan José
Maeso, Orlando 
Padrón Hernández, Luis A 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120220 Ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales
120601 Construcción de algoritmos
250705 Sismología y prospección sismica
330506 Ingeniería civil
330510 Cimientos, et al.
Palabras clave: Pilotes
Boundary element method
Soil-structure interaction
Direct method, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Proyectos: Avances en El Estudio Dinámico de Sistemas Suelo-Estructura y Suelo-Agua-Estructura.Acciones Sísmicas y Propagación de Ondas. 
Avances en el estudio de los factores que determinan la respuesta de estructuras ante cargas dinámicas. 
Publicación seriada: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 
Resumen: This paper addresses the seismic analysis of a deeply embedded non-slender structure hosting the pumping unit of a reservoir. The dynamic response in this type of problems is usually studied under the assumption of a perfectly rigid structure using a sub-structuring procedure (three-step solution) proposed specifically for this hypothesis. Such an approach enables a relatively simple assessment of the importance of some key factors influencing the structural response. In this work, the problem is also solved in a single step using a direct approach in which the structure and surrounding soil are modelled as a coupled system with its actual geometry and flexibility. Results indicate that, quite surprisingly, there are significant differences among prediction using both methods. Furthermore, neglecting the flexibility of the structure leads to a significant underestimation of the spectral accelerations at certain points of the structure.
ISSN: 1570-761X
DOI: 10.1007/s10518-013-9433-8
Fuente: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering [ISSN 1570-761X], v. 11 (5), p. 1403-1421, (2013)
Derechos: by-nc-nd
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