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Título: Red alga Grateloupia imbricata (Halymeniaceae), a species introduced into the Canary Islands
Autores/as: García-Jiménez, Pilar 
Geraldino, Paul John L.
Robaina Romero, Rafael 
Robaina, Rafael R. 
Palabras clave: Algas rojas
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Proyectos: Estudio de Las Implicaciones Morfofuncionales de Las Poliaminas en Algas Marinas : Actividad Transglutaminasa en la Organización Del Ficobilosoma y Deposición Calcárea (Biomineralización). 
Determinación Del Patron Espacio/Temporal de Diferenciación Celular Durante la Carpoesporogenesis en Algas Rojas Mediante El Seguimiento A Nivel Transcripcional Del Metabolismo de Poliaminas. 
Publicación seriada: Phycological Research 
Resumen: Specimens of Grateloupia from Gran Canaria in the\nCanary Islands were used to molecularly ascertain which of the species has been used in physiological and bio-technological experiments. The rbcL sequence analysis revealed that four out of five analyzed specimens (i.e. those commonly collected for physiological research) formed a monophyletic clade with G. imbricata from Korea, Japan, and China, and were quite different from any other species of the genus. Another sample, which was associated with cage nets used for fish aquaculture, was grouped with G. lanceolata from Japan, though it appears too early as yet to identify it as such. This is, thus, proof of a new introduction of a marine macroalga, since G. imbricata is an Asian species, native to Japan and Korea, in the Canary\nIslands. The role of international shipping in the introduction of the species is discussed.
ISSN: 1322-0829
DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1835.2008.00498.x
Fuente: Phycological Research[ISSN 1322-0829],v. 56, p. 166-171
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actualizado el 19-may-2024

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