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Título: Detection of clinically relevant variants in the <i>TP53</i> gene below 10% allelic frequency: A multicenter study by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL
Autores/as: Pavlova, Sarka
Malcikova, Jitka
Radova, Lenka
Bonfiglio, Silvia
Cowland, Jack B.
Brieghel, Christian
Andersen, Mette K.
Karypidou, Maria
Biderman, Bella
Doubek, Michael
Lazarian, Gregory
Rapado, Inmaculada
Vynck, Matthijs
Porret, Naomi A.
Andres, Martin
Rosenberg, Dina
Sahar, Dvora
Martinez-Laperche, Carolina
Buno, Ismael
Hindley, Andrew
Donaldson, David
Sanchez, Julio B.
Garcia-Marco, Jose A.
Serrano-Alcala, Alicia
Ferrer-Lores, Blanca
Fernandez-Rodriguez, Concepcion
Bellosillo, Beatriz
Stilgenbauer, Stephan
Tausch, Eugen
Nikdin, Hero
Quinn, Fiona
Atkinson, Emer
van de Corput, Lisette
Yildiz, Cafer
Bilbao Sieyro, Cristina 
Florido, Yanira
Thiede, Christian
Schuster, Caroline
Stoj, Anastazja
Czekalska, Sylwia
Chatzidimitriou, Anastasia
Laidou, Stamatia
Bidet, Audrey
Dussiau, Charles
Nollet, Friedel
Piras, Giovanna
Monne, Maria
Smirnova, Svetlana
Nikitin, Eugene
Sloma, Ivan
Claudel, Alexis
Largeaud, Laetitia
Ysebaert, Loic
Valk, Peter J. M.
Christian, Amy
Walewska, Renata
Oscier, David
Sebastiao, Marta
da Silva, Maria Gomes
Galieni, Piero
Angelini, Mario
Rossi, Davide
Spina, Valeria
Matos, Sonia
Martins, Vania
Stoklosa, Tomasz
Pepek, Monika
Baliakas, Panagiotis
Andreu, Rafa
Luna, Irene
Kahre, Tiina
Murumets, Ulle
Pikousova, Tereza
Kurucova, Terezia
Laird, Sophie
Ward, Daniel
Alcoceba, Miguel
Balanzategui, Ana
Scarfo, Lydia
Gandini, Francesca
Zapparoli, Ettore
Blanco, Adoracion
Abrisqueta, Pau
Rodriguez-Vicente, Ana E.
Benito, Rocio
Bravetti, Clotilde
Davi, Frederic
Gameiro, Paula
Martinez-Lopez, Joaquin
Tazon-Vega, Barbara
Baran-Marszak, Fanny
Davis, Zadie
Catherwood, Mark
Sudarikov, Andrey
Rosenquist, Richard
Niemann, Carsten U.
Stamatopoulos, Kostas
Ghia, Paolo
Pospisilova, Sarka
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320713 Oncología
320102 Genética clínica
Palabras clave: Chronic Lymphocytic-Leukemia
1St-Line Treatment
Survival, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2025
Publicación seriada: HemaSphere 
Resumen: In chronic lymphocytic leukemia, the reliability of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to detect TP53 variants <= 10% allelic frequency (low-VAF) is debated. We tested the ability to detect 23 such variants in 41 different laboratories using their NGS method of choice. The sensitivity was 85.6%, 94.5%, and 94.8% at 1%, 2%, and 3% VAF cut-off, respectively. While only one false positive (FP) result was reported at >2% VAF, it was more challenging to distinguish true variants <2% VAF from background noise (37 FPs reported by 9 laboratories). The impact of low-VAF variants on time-to-second-treatment (TTST) and overall survival (OS) was investigated in a series of 1092 patients. Among patients not treated with targeted agents, patients with low-VAF TP53 variants had shorter TTST and OS versus wt-TP53 patients, and the relative risk of second-line treatment or death increased continuously with increasing VAF. Targeted therapy in >= 2 line diminished the difference in OS between patients with low-VAF TP53 variants and wt-TP53 patients, while patients with high-VAF TP53 variants had inferior OS compared to wild type-TP53 cases. Altogether, NGS-based approaches are technically capable of detecting low-VAF variants. No strict threshold can be suggested from a technical standpoint, laboratories reporting TP53 mutations should participate in a standardized validation set-up. Finally, whereas low-VAF variants affected outcomes in patients receiving chemoimmunotherapy, their impact on those treated with novel therapies remains undetermined. Our results pave the way for the harmonized and accurate TP53 assessment, which is indispensable for elucidating the role of TP53 mutations in targeted treatment.
ISSN: 2572-9241
DOI: 10.1002/hem3.70065
Fuente: Hemasphere, [eISSN 2572-9241] v. 9 (1), (Enero 2025)
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